Here you can find more information about the company behind the Copenhagen Light Rail, the owner structure and finances.

Who is behind the light rail?

Board of Directors

The 11 municipalities and the Capital Region  are all represented on the Greater Copenhagen Light Rail's Board of Directors. The Board of Directors meets six times a year.

Jakob Thomasen (Chair), appointed by the municipalities in Borgmesterforum and the Capital Region

Trine Græse (Vice Chair), appointed by the municipalities in Borgmesterforum

Nicolai Kampann (Vice Chair), appointed by the Capital Region

Peter Westermann appointed by the Capital Region

Henrik Rasmussen appointed by the municipalities in Borgmesterforum

Simon Pihl Sørensen appointed by the municipalities in Borgmesterforum

Christine Dal Thrane appointed by the Capital Region

Birgitte Brinch Madsen appointed by the municipalities in Borgmesterforum and the Capital Region

Leo Larsen appointed by the municipalities in Borgmesterforum and the Capital Region


The Greater Copenhagen Light Rail will cost approximately DKK 6.2 billion (2017-prices), including an reserve of DKK 1 billion.

The distribution of the construction costs is that the Danish State will pay 40 per cent, the Capital Region will pay 26 per cent, and the 11 municipalities will together pay 34 per cent.

When the Light Rail system is commissioned, the costs will be distributed so that the Capital Region will pay 43 per cent and the municipalities will pay 57 per cent.

The distribution key is based on population numbers, the number of stations in each municipality and the potential urban growth.

The Greater Copenhagen Light Rail is expected to have 13-14 million passengers per annum.

Annual Reports